Zeal Systems - AP Automation
Are you spending too much time processing your AP Invoices and looking for a way to automate this and increase productivity and efficiency? Contact us today to find out more.
Zeal Systems offers various options for automated data capture with Accredo, with our most popular being Smart Data Capture (powered by Xtracta) and Ferret.
Automated data capture is the process of extracting information from a document and converting it into data readable by a computer with minimal need for human involvement.
Smart Data Capture (powered by Xtracta)
Smart Data Capture uses two techniques to extract data from documents:
Digital Format: Digital text is extracted from the document. PDF is the most common format, however DOC, XLS and other formats are also supported.
Image Format: For images there is no digital text, so Xtracta uses image recognition (OCR) to extract the text. PDF, JPG, PNG and other formats are supported.
Machine learning is used to understand document layouts and extract data.
Zeal Systems provides first-tier customer support for Smart Data Capture.
This short video is a good start to get an idea of Xtracta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR4PeGPeeyg
Ferret uses one technique to extract data from documents:
Digital Format: Digital text is extracted from PDF files. Ferret supports PDF, however, OCR is not supported.
Each supplier invoice layout is programmed into the system as a template which can be used for future invoices that use the template.
Ferret provides customer support directly.
This short video is a good start to get an idea of the process for Ferret's automated data capture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9OFYHccGM0&ab_channel=1BestCsharpblog
Simply email the document to your unique email address and within minutes the document is then processed and pulled into Accredo. Some sites set up an email address like invoice@company.co.nz, which then automatically forwards any documents to Xtracta or Ferret to be processed.
If you would like more information, feel free to call us on 07 544 4488 or email us at helpdesk@zealsystems.co.