Accredo Job Scheduling Solutions
SKU: C122
Schedule different people to different jobs at different times via integration with Outlook.
Zeal Systems are pleased to share with you our Job Scheduling Module. This module allows you to schedule jobs within your organisation via integration with Outlook Calendars. The overall view (above) shows all resources (people or machines) and the jobs allocated. Jobs are able to span across several days, Jobs that run after-hours are continued to the next day.
Job appointments in Outlook can be customised to contain detail from the Job in Accredo.
Here the Job is labelled with its Job Code and Name, as well as the relevant Customer. Details from the job description and location are also included.
Scheduling is performed simply from within Accredo and the appointment creation process in Outlook is fully automated.
A Job may be re-allocated or re-scheduled at any time.
Search functionality allows you to quickly find relevant jobs on the schedule