Chat support
Online chat support within Accredo
What does it cost?
It is FREE for Zeal clients on a monthly support subscription. There is a fair use policy at Accredo's discretion and we will advise you if we think this may apply.
What doesn't it cover?
We intend this cover for quick basic support questions.
Where is becomes advanced we would advise you.
It wouldn't cover things like:
Projects, custom work like a bar-code system
Accounting support like chart restructure, tax related, reconciling ledgers.
Advanced support requiring senior staff
Process design like a job costing or manufacturing process
What to expect
We have NZ and Aust staff rostered on and will attempt to quickly respond.
The intention is these staff have access to a growing Wiki of common issues as well as the Zeal standard training notes to assist plus on average 6-8 years of experienced staff nearby if not experienced themselves.
Please give us feedback.