Module Training: Cashbook
On this page find notes for:
Electronic Banking and Adding Customer Refunds and One off Payments to Creditor Payments batch 4104 (CB03)
As well as paying creditors electronically, you can now refund customers electronically and process one off payments electronically. You can add Customer Refunds and one off payments to the batch of Payments you have generated from AP or you can create separate batches.
This topic covers
Entering a Customer Refund
Electronic Payments batch and adding a one off payment and a Customer Refund
Did you know you can now Unbank Customer Receipts and Creditor Electronic Payments, allowing you to fix any errors, then Bank them again. Unbanking reverses the transactions from Cash Book, and leaves the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable transactions in an editable state, letting you to make changes then Bank them again.
Note: AR Receipts and AP Payments are only editable if they have not been transferred to GL.
Accredo - Cashbook V4.0 (CB05)
In this lesson you will learn about using the Accredo system.
After completing this lesson you will:
Understand the Cashbook Module
Electronic Banking Instructions (CB2)
This topic covers
Setting up your Cashbook for Electronic Banking
Setting up your Creditors for Electronic Banking
Generating an Electronic Payments batch
Cashbook Setup
Add your Bank Account number and specify the export and definition files.
Period not Permitted for Posting Error Received (SYS08)
In this lesson you will learn about using the Accredo system. After completing this lesson you will be able to:
Check Period Settings – Module and User - to allow transaction Posting
Bank Statement Importing and Rule Matching (v4.0.10.106)
This topic covers:
Setting up your Cashbook for Statement Importing
Importing the Statement file and matching transactions
Creating Rules from Unmatched Statement Lines
Applying the Rules to create reconciled transactions.
Creating a one off transaction from a Statement.